Wolverine Jazz Band back at the Sherborn Inn

7-piece Trad Jazz band

Wolverine Jazz Band at the Sherborn Inn, August 13, 2013

Jeff Hughes trumpet, Tom Boates trombone, John Clark clarinet/bari sax, Ross Petot piano, Jimmy Mazzy banjo/vocals, Rick MacWilliams tuba, Dave Didriksen drums

The highly revered Wolverine Jazz Band has been traveling to festivals all over the country this summer, so it was appropriate that they start this evening with Back in Your Own Back Yard.  Marilyn Snow was happy to have them back, driving over 100 miles from Maine to hear them.

They played tunes from their many CDs. They recorded a lively arrangement of W.C. Handy’s  Memphis Blues a while back. Their new CD has Bob Barta on banjo/vocals (Jimmy was away) Egyptian Ella.  Nice one – uses many of Barta’s tunes.

Clarinet and flugelhorn traded 4’s on When Lights Are Low, with a wistful vocal by Jimmy.  They gave him the next choice –  dangerous proposition.  Digging into his vast repertoire of ancient tunes, he picked Elmer Schoebel’s  Brotherly Love.   They had never played it before, but obviously they’ve heard it.   Peppy tune, with Jimmy scatting.

They’ve played around with a Duke tune, but never did as a band, Squeeze Me.  They have a unique version. Trumpet and clarinet playing melody, trombone counterpoint.  Jeff moved to flugelhorn, playing clipped phrases.

John Clark on baritone saxophone

John Clark on baritone saxophone



John Clark broke things up with his clarinet & rhythm section on Clarinet Marmalade.  Fantastic.  He slowed down for Julie Styne Time After Time on bari sax.





Boates on open bell trumpet

Tom Boates


Tom was featured on Blue Prelude with Jeff on flugel horn, in sync, playing smooth, velvety nuances.

Tom took the opportunity for some vacation time with his family while the band was on the road, so we haven’t heard him for a while. Welcome back, Tom!


Mississippi Basin was recorded by Louis Armstrong on a Victor label in 1933. They followed it with a rousing Oriental Strut.  New Orleans Stomp has been on their list for five years, and they finally got around to it.

Jeff Huges on Elden Benge trumet

Jeff Huges on Elden Benge trumet


Jeff Hughes has a vast collection of instruments.  Tonight he was on a rare Chicago Elden Benge 1941 trumpet.   Benge hand-made the parts and assembled his trumpets in his home workshop.   He would be pleased to see it in the hands of this creative musician!



Dave Didriksen drumsRossThere was a request for Ross to play stride. He picked a Harold Arlen tune, Between the Devil and The Deep Blue Sea.  His left hand kept in steady stride while the right hand played chorus after chorus in many styles.
He was backed only by Dave Didriksen’s sensitive drumming.

elderly couple dancing

Stan and Gail Brown



This band has many followers. Stan Brown is back after a lengthy recuperation.    It was great to see him and Gail dancing.




Dan Gabel’s beautiful family was here – Mom and Grandma’s two sisters, celebrating Grandmother’s 80th birthday.

Dan, Mom, Grandma and 2 sisters

l-r, Brenda Gabel (mom) Shirley Zatkalik (from No Carolina – age 81) Doris Manzi (sister – eldest at 87!) Margaret Heide (Grandmother) and Dan Gabel.

The Gabels requested Creole Belle, which is on the Wolverines’ latest CD.  Nice tailgate trombone clarinet comping, front line was all singing.

 John now gets to sing once in a while -he has a fine voice.  He picked a song with a message –  I Want to Linger.

elderly lady with eyes closed

Marilyn Snow of Maine



We all did, but our time was up.

Marilyn Snow will have to wait until October 9th and November 6th.